Al momento stai visualizzando Dritan Abazovic, neo primo ministro del Montenegro è della famiglia dei Verdi

Riporto il comunicato del partito dei Verdi europei per celebrare la vittoria di Dritan Abazovic, neo primo ministro verde del Montenegro.

On 28 April 2022, Dritan Abazović became prime minister of Montenegro. The leader of URA, member of the European Green Party, has been successfully leading on anti-corruption and Green policies with the objective to bring political stability to the country and strengthen its prospect for a European future.

Thomas Waitz, co-chair of the European Green Party and Member of the European Parliament, comments:

“Dritan Abazović and URA are actively working to deliver their promise of a European, democratic, and green Montenegro. Their achievements in fighting against corruption and state capture as well as the trust Dritan Abazović received to become prime minister are signs that they are working in the right direction for Montenegro and its citizens.

As the European Green Party, we will continue to actively support their efforts for a European and Green Montenegro.”

Dritan Abazović, Montenegro prime minister adds:

“Montenegro can be a successful European story only as a civic state, which inherits and strengthens our interfaith and interethnic harmony, affirms our differences as an advantage, respects its secular order, respects all religious communities and guarantees equal rights and freedoms to all regardless of political or any other affiliation.

We are building a civic, modern and green Montenegro of happy and satisfied people, which definitely belongs to Europe.”

Silvia Zamboni

Giornalista – Ambiente e Sostenibilità, Energia e Cambiamenti Climatici, Economia Circolare, Green Economy, Sharing e Digital Economy, Mobilità Sostenibile, Turismo Sostenibile, Agricoltura e Manifattura Biologica, Politiche Ambientali Europee.